Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I've been mulling over some ideas for illustrations I have yet to do...I really need to get my portfolio out there. I'm actually embarrassed how little I have gotten done art-wise since moving into my house. I actually have a whole room that's just for doing art, and lately, I only go in it to feed the gerbil and the turtle that live there. Well now I'm determined...I'm gonna work on artwork at least a couple times a week. And I'm gonna keep pushing myself to make better art.

And to further motivate myself...I've stumbled upon yet another amazing artist who's work is so awe-inspiring it actually gives me butterflies in my stomach. And makes me want to lock myself in my own art studio for a few days.

a concert poster for a "Rupa" and "The April Fishes" by Mona Caron: